



【share】iPhone sine qua non:
Last week I made an attempt to measure the iPhone’s manufacturing cost given new data points from the Foxconn field trip. The post generated a great amount of new knowledge and the feedback was very valuable.

The main value to me came from stepping back and looking at the entire cost and value structure for the iPhone. Putting costs into perspective is as valuable as knowing what they are.

The following diagram shows my estimates for this cost structure for the fourth quarter given both bill of materials estimates and the other parts of the cost of goods sold and operational expenses and even ancillary sources of revenue.

Source for BOM estimate: iSupply.

There are several observations easily made from this view:

  1. The manufacturing cost ($15 may be very generous i.e. high) but it still amounts to a tiny fraction of the device cost and hence value-add. The direct labor part of that cost is tinier still.

  2. Depreciation on capital equipment (Apple owned) amounts to $10 per device, probably higher than the direct labor cost.

  3. External developers as a group receive more app income than the salaries and costs associated with Apple’s own developers working on the product.

  4. The gross margin percent is 58%.

  5. The operating margin is estimated at 51%

The high margin that the product generates is even more surprising given the industry average as seen in this summary view of the industry’s performance over three years’ fourth quarters.

The operating margin is the ratio of solid colors to the entire bar.

As someone pointed out on twitter: one of these is not like the others.

The question should be: How is this possible? What does this product have that gives it such a pricing advantage? Note the the ratio was preserved through the three years shown and has persisted for nearly five years.

The answer to this paradox is in data that is not visible in any of the diagrams above: The largest revenue attached to the iPhone comes into the mobile network operators. We don’t have global averages but the revenue the iPhone generates over its lifetime is probably two to three times the revenues that Apple directly receives. The ARPU iPhones are attached to allows for a substantial subsidy, but more importantly, loyalty (or churn)

As seen in the small but clearly visible US market, being an operator having iPhone exclusivity generates above-average growth and being the only operator to be excluded from the product generates above average subscriber losses.

It quickly becomes obvious that ranging the iPhone has moved from being an advantage to not doing so becoming a serious disadvantage. The product and its high up-front costs are “hygiene factors” for operators. The sine qua non status means that it can still be priced with the extraordinary built-in margin shown above.







The opportunity cost of Windows Phone:
The global mobile OS market shares for Q4 shows a continuing (but diminished) leading share.

At the end of last year Android’s unit share reached 51% which is down from about 57% during the third quarter. iOS reached 23%, followed by Symbian at 12%, RIM at 9%, Bada at 2.4%, Windows Phone at 1.6% and Other at 1%.

When seen on a year/year basis Android gained 18 points of share in Q4 while Symbian lost 18 points. iOS gained 6 points of share and RIM lost 6 points. Bada gained 2.5 points and Windows lost 1.5 points.

This symmetry can also be observed in another set of data. Published in The Guardian Kantar Worldpanel ComTech data shows the OS share changes for January on a year/year basis for a select set of countries.

Android share gains do seem to be mirrored by Symbian share losses on a country-level.

This should be most interesting to Nokia and Microsoft as both have a lot riding on Windows Phone replacing Symbian sales. If there should be a recovery in the fortunes of these companies, it would seem that their strategies should focus primarily on stemming and then reversing the losses to Android.

Microsoft’s strategy of increasing the cost structure for Android through IP licensing is certainly part of this picture but it’s a slow process to turn that disincentive for Android into a large incentive for Windows Phone.

Indeed, the speed with which Android handsets can be developed seems to be a key value of that operating system and one for which Microsoft does not have a good answer. Nokia is now one year into its commitment to the Microsoft platform and it has a very limited portfolio to show for it (and limited sales as well.) As a result, Nokia’s Symbian business evaporated very rapidly. More rapidly than the company anticipated.

The dilemma for other vendors may well be how long will it take for them to develop a replacement for their Android portfolio in Windows Phone.

The opportunity cost of this switch is subtle and insidious but may be the root of why we don’t see a stampede toward Microsoft. Conversely, Android contract-free, implement-at-will availability may be its greatest selling point.




 19. 「もう、ステキ!」 モテ期終われば もう捨て期
 38. 士気がない 当たり前でしょ 指揮がない
 66. ラブでなく イヤミ注入 うちの妻
 86. アイウォンチュー いつでも君は iPhoneアイフォン
 88. 多過ぎる 「でかした」よりも 「しでかした」


OSX Mountain Lionの次は違う属?

OSX Mountain Lion楽しみです。
今後はiOSを軸をApple Styleを展開していく姿勢がでてきたかな。

さて、OSX になってからのネーミングの変遷

  • v10.0  Cheetah                  ネコ亜科チーター属
  • v10.1  Puma                      ネコ亜科ピューマ属
  • v10.2  Jaguar                     ヒョウ亜科ヒョウ属
  • v10.3  Panther                   ネコ亜科ピューマ属(北米)  
  • v10.4  Tiger                       ヒョウ亜科ヒョウ属
  • v10.5  Leopard                  ヒョウ亜科ヒョウ属
  • v10.6  Snow Leopard        ヒョウ亜科ユキヒョウ属
  • v10.7  Lion                        ヒョウ亜科ヒョウ属
  • v10.8  Mountain Lion        ヒョウ亜科マーブルキャット属
ウンピョウ属は、ウンピョウ Clouded leopard, ボルネオウンピョウ Bornean Clouded Leopardだけで、Leopardの復活となって面白くない。

違う属で選ぶことになり、xx Cat もなさそうとすると、候補はこんな感じ。

ネコ亜科カラカル属 カラカル Caracal

ネコ亜科ネコ属 ヤマネコ Wildcat

ネコ科オセロット属 オセロット Ocelot

ネコ科ネコ属(or Leopardus属) マーゲイ Margay

ネコ科ネコ族 サーバル Serval

ネコ科オオネコヤマ属 ボブキャット Bobcat

ネコ科Oncifelis属 コドコド Kodkod

ネコ亜科ピューマ属 ジャガランティ Jaguarundi

亜科の伝統を守ると、Wildcat か Jaguarundi。Jaguarundiは顔がな〜...
Leopard/Snow, Lion/Mountain と続きがあるとすると、Ocelot。マーゲイが(Tree Ocelotとも呼ばれている)

Mountain Lionを待ちつつOSX/iOSの融合進化をこれからも期待してます!

2012年の新型Macbook Proはこうなるだろう


2012年の新型Macbook Proはこうなるだろう:

2012年にリリースされる次世代Macbook Pro。

今年のMacbook Proは単に「改良」ではなく、革新的な刷新が行われることは、これまでの噂からも疑いようのない話のようです。

スティーブ・ジョブズはMacbook Airを「未来のラップトップである」と言いましたが、彼の言っていることは正しかったと思います。少数派の意見とは裏腹にアップルはMacbookAirで過去のものになりつつあるテクノロジーを破壊してきました。

本質を絞り、シンプルさを追求したインダストリアルデザインは、素晴らしいマシンとして世に認められました。今では大成功したMacbook Airを模倣するような製品が後を絶ちません。きっとMacbook Proでも同様に論理的で革新的なステップを踏んでいくものと想像します。

(間もなくリリースされるだろう)さらに進化したiPad 3 とは別に、新しいMacBook Proのイメージは、新しいアップルの執行チームにとって最初の本当の試練となるでしょう。

以下、新しいMacbook Proがどんなものになると思われるか紹介していきます。長文です。


新しいMacbook Proには、インテルの22nm、3Dトランジスタ技術を採用した次世代CPU、「Ivy Bridge」が搭載される予定です。インテルによるとIvy Bridgeは、Sandy Bridge搭載のラップトップと比較して、20パーセントのスピード改善、さらに、30パーセントのグラフィックパフォーマンスの改善が見込めるとのことですよ。素晴らしい。



Every Apple Design Ever



Dropbox ベータクライアントAndroid版を試したみた

Dropbox が、ベータ版クライアントの利用者に無料の追加容量を提供しているので試してみた。詳しいニュースはこちらから。


インポートされたファイルは、「Camera Uploads」フォルダに格納されています。






1月31日に厚生労働省から「平成22年 国民健康・栄養調査結果の概要」から、「官庁エコノミストのブログ」さんは述べています。




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